Movie Heroes and You — More Than A Score

Movie Heroes and You

What do Harry Potter, Simba, Katniss Everdeen and you have in common?

You are all on a hero’s journey. 

The hero’s journey framework was based on the best-selling book by Joseph Cambell, The Hero’s Journey.  Campbell was a folklorist, studying mythology across many cultures. One way to understand what myths are is to think of stories that people live by. These stories, when reduced to their basic structure and elements, reveal a common symbolic language which can then be broken down into twelve stages. 

The theory of hollywood producers is that somehow if their stories are universal (i.e., they follow the same general storyline and theme as found in the hero's journey), they will be box office successes. All stories have common structural elements in fairy tales, myths, and dreams. 

And why would that be? 

Because they reflect common experiences in all of our lives.

What does that have to do with me and my essay?

Well, what worked for George Lucas in Star Wars, will work for you. 

You can write your essay as a reflection of your own hero’s journey and just like the movies it  will be pretty epic.

You can think about the college application process like that. If you think of your life like that, too, it may help you rise to the occasion when you don’t want to study for that test or to help that slow, old lady cross the street. You may find yourself thinking, what would my hero do? If you do that, I can pretty much guarantee your life will be a lot more rewarding. 

However, I can’t guarantee an Emmy (unless you're already an actor), but it should make it more fun.

Besides I can’t wait to go on a hero's journey with you.  

So, where to, Mr. Frodo?  I wouldn't send you off alone, now would I?

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